Thursday, March 8, 2007
It Could be a Lonely Birthday for K-Fed

Kevin Federline is having as hard of a time getting people to come to his birthday party as he did getting them to buy his rap CD.
After his ex-wife Britney Spears had a major meltdown, Kevin Federline insisted he wanted to stay out of the press. Now the Super Bowl commercial star is asking for tabloid coverage, and he wants big bucks in return. Insiders told us Federline has been asking the weeklies for $25,000 in exchange for "exclusive" rights to cover his 29th birthday at Eleven nightclub in West Hollywood. "The celebrity magazine will get its logo on the red carpet and exclusive coverage inside the club," said our snitch. "But who cares? Everyone will have access to the red carpet. And there aren't even any big celebs confirmed for inside the party." Sources also told us that whichever rag coughs up the cash "won't even get a real interview with K-Fed." The Eleven club sent out a press release announcing the "intimate cocktail and dinner party with celebrity friends" on March 21. A rep for Federline confirmed the party, but had no comment on the details.
It sounds like it could be another lonely evening for K-Fed. Maybe he could give tickets away like he gave CD's away.
Labels: Britney Spears, Kevin Federline