Wednesday, March 7, 2007
More Stork Rumors
A TomKat flunky was dispatched to La Petit Tresor, trendy BevHills baby boutique to the stars, to have the store come up with layouts for a baby boy's room. The estimated cost of said room is in the neighborhood of $45,000, and the themes given were: sports, nursery rhyme, baby blue, and cartoons. The deadline for coming up with the decor plans was given as April 15, which happens to be three days before Suri's first birthday.

So is all the brouhaha nonsense, given that Katie is putting the kibosh on cranking out babies? Or will the Cruises add to their brood the Brangelina way, and pick up a new third world country orphan? Or is this just the musings of some PR person who is trying to score points for the baby boutique. Think Christina Aguilera and some recent baby rumors started by an employee of another BevHills boutique, Bellini.

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posted by Eeyore at 3:45 PM | Permalink |