Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Lindsay Lohan is Still a Set Diva

Co-workers on the set of Lindsay Lohan's film 'I Know Who Killed Me' aren't happy with the former redhead. They say the stories of her bad behavior are all true, and she recently kept crew members waiting for hours, and then when she finally arrived she said she needed to take a nap. Lohan didn't come out of her trailer for five hours, and when she did, she threw up, and then went home. La Linds left behind a bunch of pissed off people, and rumors flew as to what ailed her.
Lohan seems to have cut back only slightly on her partying ways since getting out of rehab, but is still seen out most nights, requisite water bottle in hand. Doctors reportedly told her that she was on her way to dying at a very young age if she didn't slow down.
Labels: I Know Who Killed Me, Lindsay Lohan
This bitch is begging to be blacklisted. The industry should blacklist her once and for all, and move on to better actors, there are a lot of them out there. And, Dina - if you're reading this. Don't push poor little Ali into the same fire please. It's just not right, you greedy thing. Department of Social Services should be breathing up your ass for what you already did to Lindsay.