Thursday, March 8, 2007
Peaches Geldof Picks Paris Fight

Oh to be a celebutard with nothing better to do than spend daddy's money and pick fights with other celebutards. Peaches Geldof, who is Bob Geldof's daughter and they live on the other side of the pond, is mudslinging at Paris Hilton for whatever reason. It's probably over some boy. Isn't it always?
Anywhoo, Peaches, 17, insists Hilton needs to rethink her appearance because she sometimes ends up looking like a man.
She says, "Paris is thick and sometimes looks like a transvestite, even though she's better looking than me. Also, she's a socialite and I'm not."
Let's do a scientific Paris/Peaches comparison. Born with oodles of money? Check. Had a reality show? Check. Has a ridiculous name? Check. Known as a socialite? Check. Shopaholic? Check. Has been romantically linked to several famous guys? Check. Hangs around with other rich kids? Check.
Pot? Kettle? Black? Check, check, check.
Case closed.
Labels: Paris Hilton, Peaches Geldof