Thursday, March 15, 2007
Britney's Still Having Rehab Trouble

Star magazine is reporting that Brit is causing more and more trouble during her stay in rehab, and it's all a result of her bad attitude. The poptart is refusing to do the duties assigned to her, clean up after herself, eat what's available, and more.

A recent Promises resident who was released during Brit's stay spoke to the mag about Britney's diva antics.

"You're up at 7 a.m. and have to make your bed and clean your own room — because part of recovery is being accountable for your own chores." Not Britney. "She refuses to pick up after herself and even asked if she could hire a maid!" says the source. "She's asking for this and that, special food, special everything — and she's not that nice to anyone. She has a serious entitlement problem."

The likely root of Brit's bad behavior? She still doesn't believe that she belongs in rehab at all, the source tells Star. "I heard she keeps saying she is just sick from postpartum depression and that she does not have any real addiction problems, which is a joke," says the source. "She has an addiction."

One sure sign? Her raging sweet tooth. "Usually when a patient eats [a lot of] sugar," adds the source, "it means that they are coming down from a drug that kept them really up, like cocaine or speed." And Britney is definitely chowing down on the sweets. "She has been drinking tons of Coca-Cola — about two cases a day, or 24 Cokes in 24 hours. She drinks one after the other!" a source tells Star. (There are 140 calories in a single Coke — so that means Brit's imbibing at least 3,300 calories every day from the soft drinks alone!)

But Coke binges are just part of Brit's sugar fix. "She is also constantly eating lollipops and other hard candy, and when she eats food, it's always something sweet, like danishes or donuts or cake or cookies."

It sounds like Britney could end up getting out of rehab weighing a couple hundred pounds!

The source also told Star that Britney is being treated for multiple problems, including substance abuse, bipolar disorder, bulimia and postpartum depression.


posted by Eeyore at 9:36 AM | Permalink |