Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Olsen Twins Getting Matching Nose Jobs

Dr. Raj Kanodia, nose job surgeon to the stars, is reportedly going to be performing matching nose jobs on the Olsen twins.
A source told In Touch Weekly magazine: "Ashley has always thought her nose was a little too big, so she wanted to get it done.
"When she talked to her sister about it, she loved the idea.
"They both love changing their looks. They thought this would make them look more polished."
Dr. Kanodia was in the news recently because he fixed Jennifer Aniston's deviated septum, and also fixed Cameron Diaz's broken nose.
Personally I think their noses look great. Maybe they should think about adding a little meat to ther frail bones, and fixing those mops they call hair instead.
Labels: Ashley Olsen, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Mary-Kate Olsen