Thursday, March 15, 2007
Nicole Richie Taking ADD Drug to Lose Weight

In Touch magazine reports that Nicole Richie has been taking excessive amounts of the prescription drug called Adderall, which is mainly used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, possibly because it acts as an appetite suppressant.

"She loves Adderall because she stays awake, and it makes her not want to eat," says a close pal. "And she takes it even more when she's filming."

Although her rep denies that she uses the drug, a pal says Nicole's actually increased her dosage: "She's taking more and more lately."

This would account for her dramatic weight loss over the past year and inability to regain any of that weight. She has also been to see nutritionists and doctors to try and help her get into and maintain a more healthful lifestyle.

Nicole, first step, put down the drugs that turn you into Skeletor. Step two: eat something!



posted by Eeyore at 4:48 PM | Permalink |