Friday, March 2, 2007
Don't Tell Eva Longoria Anything....Ever!

Eva Longoria pissed off execs over at 'Desperate Housewives' by opening her huge yap and spilling script secrets for next season, on the air at 'The View'. Silly Eva!
"Desperate Housewives" execs are furious with serial blabbermouth EVA LONGORIA (remember her "I'm the love teacher" press quote that angered toyboy NBA lover TONY PARKER?) because she just leaked a secret show storyline during a national TV interview...and now, they vow, she'll be kept in the dark about future scripts forever! Guesting on "The View," logorrhea-prone Longoria spilled the beans big-time, revealing that (1) her character's ex-husband Carlos won't leave the show, as rumored, (2) they'll suffer through stormy times - but (3) will have a "surprise" lovers' reunion next season! Horrified execs - knowing that tipped-off viewers tend to tune out - immediately issued a stern edict to writers, producers, directors and show staff: Zip it...and don't tell Eva ZIP, ever!
Labels: Desperate Housewives, Eva Longoria