Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Angie's Already Put the New Kid to Work

The poor Vietnamese kid that Angelina Jolie just adopted hasn't even got the stamp dry on his new passport before the Jolie-Pitt's have made dough off the transaction. People magazine just bought the rights to the first officially published photos of Pax Thien Jolie for 2 million clams!
Granted, Angie will more than likely donate the dough to charity, but that's beside the point. TomKat, and even Britney, has had the good sense to keep their kids pics out of the glossies for a reasonable length of time, and those kids were born into the life of Hollywood brat. This poor kid should have the good sense to bite Ange on the ankle and run screaming as soon as the plane touches down in LA or New Orleans, or Germany, or wherever the hell they've bought yet another house.
I have a headache just thinking about this now.
Labels: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise