Monday, April 2, 2007
Posh and Beck's Reality Show Probably Scrapped

Poor Posh and Becks. Their much hyped reality show which would see the two Brits in their move to LA, etc., etc., and follow much the same lines as 'The Osbournes', may be scrapped before an episode ever airs.
Why, you ask? Say it isn't so, you lament! Well it's because none of the Beckhams high profile (read famous) friends would show their mugs on camera. Without those famous faces, the Beckhams are just two barely known British people with cool hair and nice clothes who are on US TV.
'So far, all that's been filmed is Victoria house-hunting and her quest to find schools for the kids, which hardly makes scintillating viewing,' the source said.
'David and Victoria are not well known out there and they have not yet been able to convince any of their celebrity friends to come on.'
Reports that the Beckhams were paid £10million for the show were wrong, the source added, saying they received the much more modest sum of £300,000.
The show's executive producer is Victoria's manager, Simon Fuller.
Posh has previously said of him: 'He has so much success around the world with his TV shows and the respect and the trust of everybody he works with.'
Perhaps if Posh would open her purse strings and become a Scientologist, many a celeb guest appearance would soon follow. However the chances of that are slim to none, as Victoria has made it abundantly clear that she thinks paying for a religion is a total waste.
Labels: David Beckham, Posh Beckham