Monday, April 2, 2007
Crackhead Pete Takes Away Kate's Sexy

Kate Moss is dropping off FHM's list of the world's sexiest women because her rocky relationship with crackhead Pete Doherty is a major turnoff to men.
FHM executive editor Chris Bell explains, "In the fashion world Kate is considered one of the most beautiful women, but according to FHM readers she's past it. Kate's alleged hard party lifestyle is starting to take its toll and she's definitely starting to look a little weathered. Kate's size zero look might be winning her million dollar fashion contracts, but the average guy on the street prefers someone much more womanly."
Keira Knightley and British glamour model Keeley Hazell are favorites to claim the 2007 title.
It doesn't look like Kate will redeem herself anytime soon since rumor has it that she and Crackhead Pete are getting set to wed in the near future, as soon as he is legally able to travel.
Labels: Kate Moss, Pete Doherty