Sunday, February 4, 2007
Kate Bosworth: Stick-Figure No More

Source: Female First UK
Actress Kate Bosworth has been targeted in many tabloids this year because of her stick-thin appearance (as shown in the above photo), since she lost weight after breaking up with Orlando Bloom last May.
Well no more! Bosworth's worried mother stepped in, and since moving in with her, Kate has a curvier and more healthful figure to show for it.
According to a friend of Kate's, Patricia made Kate promise to put on 10 pounds in the next six months, and has been helping to plump her up by feeding her plenty of home-cooked meals. The pal told Britain's Look magazine: "She's pulled back from the social circuit and has been spending lots of time with her mum. They hang out and shop and Kate's mum cooks for her.
Hopefully Kate's new figure and healthier lifestyle will stick!
Labels: Kate Bosworth, Orlando Bloom