Saturday, February 10, 2007
Britney's Nanny Talks to OK!

Did Britney Spears' nanny spill the beans to a British rag? Unfortunately nothing she told the mag was really that bad, of really, that unexpected. Sure Brit gets out of bed late, and really doesn't know too much about taking care of kids. What else is new....
Britney Spears has not exactly been the poster child for world's best mom. But you can't blame the 25-year-old performer - she's spent most of her life on the road and never had the time to master parenting skills. “She is really sweet and loving,” her nanny tells OK! exclusively. “She loves her kids, she's just not very knowledgeable about little things.” Britney's life is anything but normal for a single mother: Her mornings often start in the afternoon, and she's been known to take professional meetings in her bathtub. Unusual behavior for a mom, maybe, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love her children, Sean Preston, 17 months, and Jayden, 5 months; those around her insist she wants only the best for them. “She's very loving, and when they cry she is very patient,” the nanny says.
Labels: Britney Spears