Monday, February 26, 2007
Britney's Ex-Husband Talks...and Talks Some More

While Britney Spears has been abusing drugs and whatever else, her ex husband, Jason Alexander, is abusing his overextended 15 minutes of fame by talking to reporters.
In an interview, Alexander claims that Britney abused cocaine and prescription drugs and nearly had a fatal overdose of pure ecstasy. He also says that he's breaking his silence about the plummeting pop princess' drug use because he doesn't want her to end up dead like Anna Nicole Smith.
In an article in the New York Daily News, Brit's hubby of 55 hours goes on to
claim he once had a drug-fueled threesome with Spears and a female dancer, said that in their short relationship he had trouble keeping up with her drug use.
"We used ecstasy at night to party and cocaine during the day to stay awake," Alexander said. "Then we would take downers like Valium or Vicodin to come down and rest.
"She definitely had a problem with drugs when we were together and that was three years ago."
He claims Spears almost had a fatal overdose on "MDMA," or pure ecstasy, while they partied in a Las Vegas club. He said he sneaked her up to their hotel suite and she was sweating and having problems breathing.
"I took her into the bathroom and threw her in the shower," Alexander said. "She was unconscious. She tripped and fell. I was trying to hold her up and speak to her. She wasn't moving.
"I remember looking down at her all crumpled in the tub with the water coming down. She looked so white and lifeless. I thought she was dead. I thought, 'This bitch is going to f--king die right here in front of me.'"
Labels: Britney Spears