Monday, February 26, 2007
Greasy Bear is "Assinine Bear"

Brandon "Greasy Bear" Davis made a total ass of himself at Paris Hilton's birthday party, insulting guests, breaking glasses, and throwing objects. Two targets in particular, Paula Abdul and Courtney Love, exited the festivities early, and the scene left Paris in tears.
The evening started at Prime Grill in Beverly Hills, where guests included Abdul, Love, Davis, Stavros Niarchos, Nicole Richie, Joel Madden, Hilton's parents, and more. Around 10pm, Davis, who was visibly intoxicated, began haranguing Paula Abdul, alternately throwing flowers at her and then ridiculing her heritage by speaking gibberish in a faux Arabic accent. Abdul, who was supposed to sing Happy Birthday to Paris, left the party early before singing, when Davis began throwing Styrofoam flower cups at her. Then Davis grabbed Courtney Love, picked her up and had her straddling his waist, while he screamed "I wanna squirt on you!" and dry humped her. All this in front of Love's daughter, Frances Bean. Courtney and Frances also exited early, leaving through the kitchen. After breaking glasses and knocking over candles on the table, Davis was "encouraged to leave".
The party then moved to Hilton's house, where Davis had the cajones to show up and invite himself in. Security kept him downstairs, where he was kept away from Paris for the rest of the evening.
Labels: Brandon Davis, Courtney Love, Joel Madden, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Paula Abdul