Monday, March 19, 2007
Naomi Campbell Shows up for Work Detail

Angry supermodel Naomi Campbell arrived on time today for her community service detail of mopping floors in the NY Sanitation Department. Never one to be unfashionable, Campbell arrived in high style wearing thousand dollar Christian Louboutin stiletto heel boots, but came prepared with a well worn pair of black army boots slung over one shoulder.
She will work indoors all week at the Manhattan district 3 garage on the Lower East Side of the city.
The area is being regenerated to make way for a "Basketball City".
Her duties include sweeping, mopping, polishing and scrubbing the toilets. Sanitation department deputy chief Al Durrell said: "If the toilets require to be cleaned, she will clean them, along with her co-workers.
"She will be sweeping the garage floor, sweeping the offices. We also have locker rooms and bathrooms she will be cleaning, mopping. We have windows that need to be cleaned so she'll be doing some of that."
Campbell's assistant, Ana Scolavino, needed five stitches after the model attacked her. Campbell's lawyer played down the incident, saying: "She did throw a phone but that doesn't mean she threw it at someone. But someone was accidentally hit as a result of it."
The city issue jumpsuit that Naomi will wear for her community service is to be auctioned off for charity at the end of her mopping stint.
Labels: Naomi Campbell