Thursday, March 29, 2007
Lohan's Love Life a Huge Guessing Game

Lindsay Lohan has been linked with quite a few names in the past couple of weeks, including Stavros Niarchos, James Blunt, Jude Law, Robbie Williams, and Brandon "Greasy Bear" Davis (ew!). Planet Gossip writer Marc Malkin queried those close to La Linds about which one of those men was likely to be the one. The name that kept coming up was Law's.
Unfortunately for Lindsay, those close to Jude say she may have a big thing ofr the Brit actor, but the feeling is not mutual. Sources told Malkin Law insists the two have never hooked up. "She wants it to happen," one Law source insists. "But nothing is happening—nor will it."
This sounds suspiciously like the unrequited love situation with James Franco that was the catalyst for sending Linds to rehab.
According to Jude's friends, Lindsay developed a big crush on him when they were both filming in New Orleans at the same time.
Lindsay keeps getting these crushes on men who want nothing to do with her. Sounds like a daddy abandonment issue to me.
Labels: Brandon Davis, James Blunt, Jude Law, Lindsay Lohan, Robbie Williams