Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Jolie's Enemies Beware!

Oh Angelina, what have you got yourself into now?
Reports have surfaced that since moving her brood and boyfriend to New Oreleans, Angelina Jolie has taken up studying the voodoo arts. The National Enquirer is reporting that Jolie is studying with a voodoo priestess several times a week, and has purchased several books on the occult, as well as touring the famed New Orleans cemeteries. The interest in voodoo is said to be helping her fill the void between saving the impoverished and raising three (or more) children.
Jolie was previously known for wearing vials of her significant others blood around her neck.
Angelina's critics and enemies better watch out! The lady has pins and dolls and she's not afraid to use 'em!
Labels: Angelina Jolie