Saturday, March 24, 2007
Don't Get on Wahlberg's Bad Side

Mark Wahlberg really can shoot a gun. Just ask the poor intern on a Canadian talk show who became a moving target to show off Marky Mark's skills.
The star was promoting new movie Shooter, in which he plays a sniper, when TV hosts challenged his marksmanship - and turned a lowly crew member into a moving target.
Wahlberg says, "They said, `You can't really shoot and they gave me a paintball gun and they put this poor intern, like, 30 feet away from me with very flimsy padding, and they were like, `OK, you can shoot him anywhere you want.' I shot him in the chin, the paint went right through the mask. This poor kid was lit up like a Christmas tree."
Sharp-shooting Wahlberg actually trained with real-life snipers as part of his preparation for the film.
Labels: Mark Wahlberg, Shooter