Wednesday, February 7, 2007
New DNA Deadline Set For Dannielynn

Two weeks after hearing arguments as to why Anna Nicole Smith shouldn't have to submit her daughter for a DNA test just yet, a Los Angeles judge ordered that the reality-TV star either have that test completed by Feb. 21 or else hightail it back to L.A. to explain the delay in person.
According to Larry Birkhead's attorney, Debra Opri, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ronald Schnider ruled Wednesday that Smith could have the test performed in the Bahamas or in Miami. If Smith fails to comply, Opri said, Schnider will want to see her in court.
The judge stayed the previous Jan. 23 deadline after Smith's legal camp argued that, because the TrimSpa endorser had been living in the Bahamas since August, a Bahamian judge needed to sign off on Schnider's order.
It remains to be seen whether Smith will comply, or if her attorneys will come up with yet another delay.
Labels: Anna Nicole Smith