Friday, February 16, 2007
Britney in Rehab?

Extra online is reporting that Britney Spears has entered rehab, in an undisclosed location, after her drunken nightclub tour of New York during Fashion Week. The whirlwind included getting trashed most every night, trading clothes with a stripper, and allegedly puking in the back of her car.
We hope that the rumors are true, and Brit has checked into rehab. Hopefully she isn't doing it as a PR stunt, as so many other Hollywood types are told to do by their flacks in order to gain publicity points. You know who you are, Miss Hohan and Dr. Bigot.
Update: TMZ has learned that while Britney Spears checked-in to rehab, she refused to stay and checked out -- less than twenty-four hours later! The facility was Eric Clapton's Crossroads Centre in Antigua.
Labels: Britney Spears