Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Another Model Dies of Anorexia

Uruguayan model, Luisel Ramos, died this past August on the catwalk. The cause of death was heart failure due to malnutrition. This month, six months later, her younger sister, Eliana Ramos, has also died of sudden death by malnutrition. The photo above is not Ramos or her sister.
How many more young girls are going to drop dead of malnutrition when they are making $5,000 or more a day, and can definitely afford to eat? The fashion industry needs to do more than just pay lip service to raising awareness about the epidemic of size 0 and double 0 models in the business.
Some countries are cracking down on the malnourished catwalkers and banning them from work if they show up and are smaller than a certain weight for their height. Even a London cafe is offering free meals to size 0 models in an effort to put a little meat on them.
I'm glad you put this picture up because people really should see this.
Be safe...