Friday, January 26, 2007
UPDATE on Brandy's Car Crash
Contact Music says that in an intense probe of the car crash involving R & B singer Brandy, investigators have ruled out "mechanical factors", which means it wasn't the car's fault. C.H.P. spokesmen have completed an investigation of all four vehicles involved in the crash, and found no mechanical defects. At this point Brandy could be found primarily at fault or criminally negligent, though she has not been arrested as of yet. Investigators will continue looking at evidence and conducting interviews.

Brandy could conceivably face time in jail for manslaughter, especially since it was found that she left the scene of the accident, which resulted in a death.


posted by Eeyore at 9:30 AM | Permalink |


  • At Monday, 29 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    I can't understand why some journalists can lie like that. It's a shame for this job.
    Brandy never left this scene, she was 100% coopoerative accortin' to the Police.

    Bless ya B-Rocka...

  • At Monday, 29 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Word B-Rocka. They b liein n all dat stuff. Accortin' to da police dey sez she was supa fly wit em.