Sunday, January 28, 2007
I Know Where Those Fingers Have Been!!
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Well for me, there's pretty much no doubt about it anymore. Clay Aiken seems to be as queer as a $3 bill, and Perez Hilton thinks he has the proof on his site.

Apparently Aiken logged onto a gay internet site called "manhunt", had an email exchange with a North Carolina man, and then proceeded to get on Yahoo! Messenger with him. He provided him with photos, a live webcam feed, and proof of his identity. Perez has the webcam pics of him holding up a certain amount of fingers for the NC guy to prove it was a live feed. He also has the emails and IM exchanges between the two.

To read the entire article, click here, and scroll down the page a bit.

Yikes! Now there's no doubt in my mind where Clay's fingers have been!


posted by Eeyore at 6:29 PM | Permalink |


  • At Sunday, 28 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    And YOU believe that idiot PH???????

  • At Sunday, 28 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    ABSOLULTELY anon. I believe Perez 1000% Clay is sick, he has a problem that he needs help for, maybe he can get a discounted rate and take some of you delusional fans with him.

  • At Monday, 29 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Those pictures prove that Clay has a face. Nothing more, same as the last rumors. Boy it doesn't take a rocket scientist to fool you.